Well, Inglourious Basterds was a great success. It was absolutely fantastic. Every single thing was dead on, from the uniforms, to the subtitles, to the Bear Jew's period baseball bat. There was not a single thing I didn't think was awesome.
Oh wait, I lied. BJ Novak is a tool. He looks like a completely incompetent loser next to Brad Pitt, whose fearless ego and demigod like status among the German army completely obliterate any chance BJ might have had to do anything even remotely useful.
But other than that unfortunate casting choice, the rest of the Basterds are perfect. You've got the crazy guy, the vengeful guy, the useful German speakers, and the little feisty ones. It's a perfectly rounded out crew.
A few reviews have said that it's too long, and that it drags out and so forth, but in my humble opinion, it's the perfect length. Sure, there's a lot of dialogue, but there's suspense and tons of plot development the whole time. The plot is so long that it's necessary to have two and a half hours to tell the story in. And it's totally worth it, by the way.
I don't really have a favorite scene, so many different ones come to mind. My favorite line though has to be Brad Pitt saying "Bon Giorno". You'll see why.