So I was thinking today.
I'm getting old. I'm 19 already. In two years, I will be able to do anything at all legally. Which of course means that the government has decided that I will be old enough to make my own decisions about everything. We're not kids anymore, folks. At least, not in body. I decided a long time ago that I would play video games for as long as possible to stay in touch with my light side. But I'm slowly finding that I keep getting more serious about things, jobs, appointments, etc. Sure, there are all these sayings like you're only as young as you feel, but if I start feeling old, there goes my childhood. (I actually built one of those.)
Most of the time, I don't care about my age; but I am accumulating experiences and knowledge that make me more of an adult. I was telling someone today about how old top loader washers used to have this label on the inside of the lid warning you not to mix detergent and bleach or you would create a toxic gas and die. It legitimately made me feel old! It was weird thinking about things you used daily that have changed so much. Of course, there's so much ahead of us that there's no reason to dwell on the past. Still, I can't help but thinking that human life is so fleeting that Earth is an exercise in futility. Maybe I'll have to read "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" again.
On a somewhat lighter note, none of this weighty thinking is actually getting me down about anything. I don't care to much about what the human race ends up as, just as long as I enjoy the and don't think too hard about it.
I think I shall pass on my life's philosophy to you:
ReplyDelete"Don't take life seriously. No one gets out alive anyway"