So after seeing both of these, I have pretty much the same impression: Go see it, they're worth it.
Harry Potter was visually the best one so far. Of course with there being a limit to how long one can actually sit and watch a 652 page book, a few things were hacked out, but the story line was still more than adequate for those who hadn't read the book. Not fantastic, but pretty darn good.
Moon, on the other hand, was fantastic. A sci-fi psychological thriller about a guy (Sam Rockwell) who works on a lunar base harvesting nuclear power. Needless to say, he goes crazy, because, well really, who wouldn't after three years on the moon by yourself. It's hard to really say anything else without ruining it, so I'll just leave it at that. It was amazing. Brilliant, even. The whole effect is lost if you don't see it in theaters, so go see it as soon as you can.
I'll throw in one for free: Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen. Pretty sweet if you liked the first one. Though, I'm a sucker for special effects, so that might've had something to do with it...
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