The time has come, my friends. I went to see Brüno. Now, let me start with saying that I absolutely can't stand Borat. I thought it was the most vulgar, inappropriate piece of junk I'd ever seen.
That being said, I laughed so hard at Brüno that I cried. It was just so incredibly out there. He probably could have gotten himself killed like 5 separate times, but damn. It's one hell of a movie. Now, don't get me wrong, I probably won't see it again, but hey. It was hilarious.
As far as the German goes, I'm impressed he learned how to pronounce most of it, though his grammar was off a lot, leading me to believe he just put the script through an online translator. My favorite though was him saying "Think outside the Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung", think outside the speed limit. On the other hand, on several occasions he calls his butthole his "Auschwitz", which I find downright inappropriate. I know people who like Borat but didn't like Brüno, but I'm the other way around. Meh, so it goes.
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